The CUBE Shoot!
Alex sent me a screenshot of this outfit and we KNEW we had to do a shoot with it! I went to target and bought this cube to add an editorial element to what would have been just another photoshoot at the beach and I feel like it really elevated the shoot (both artistically and literally made her higher up)! We were concerned that the sand may make the cube too slippery to stand on but that ended up not being an issue!
When we got to the beach there was a group of people sitting around in a circle of beach chairs and chatting who were there to witness the whole thing. After we finished the shoot and were walking back to our cars they clapped for us and said how much they enjoyed watching the shoot! It was a great reminder that if people are staring or watching you while we are doing a photo shoot it's usually because we are doing something that interests them, not because they are judging us.
I had such a great time taking these photos with Alex, as always, and look forward to doing more creative shoots like this in the future!