The nearly abandoned Vero Beach Mall is still good for something…photoshoots!

If you live in Vero Beach or are here visiting, you may know that our local mall is indeed suffering. Many stores have closed and the last I heard there is only AC in a few of the large stores like Dillards and the Ocean’s Unite Church area. Ella and I stuck to the outside of the mall but it is on my vision board to do an indoor abandoned mall photoshoot if anyone’s interested…

Ella reached out to me after having seen some of my other work and wanted to do a photoshoot that represented who she was NOW. She felt as though she had grown in ways and become a version of herself that not a lot of people knew existed and she wanted to make that public. We were able to connect on such a deep level through her entire session while also taking some dope photos. She was an absolute natural in front of the camera and somehow brought the perfect balance of both a softness and edginess to the photos.